Hi, all, OK, maybe a silly question but I cant really figure this one out. I have a VFD that takes 10V signal for the speed control. When using .net interface for Kflop/Kanalog, how to you map the S command to a specific DAC? With M codes, you use SetMcodeAction. Is there similar command for the SXXX?
Thank you
Group: DynoMotion
Message: 9148
From: Tom Kerekes
Date: 2/7/2014
Subject: Re: S command mapping
The S code is handled the same way as M Codes with index=10 (as if it was M10).
Group: DynoMotion
Message: 9149
From: Tom Kerekes
Date: 2/7/2014
Subject: Re: S command mapping
The S code is handled the same way as M Codes with index=10 (as if it was M10).